Judges are required for all UK Coffee Events, and we are expecting a record number of competitors again this season.
We will be holding the 2022 Judges Certification and Calibration later this year.
Anyone interested in learning about judging or wanting to certify is encouraged to email info@scauk.coffee
Any competitor certifying will not be able to judge the competition(s) in which they enter during that season. All judges will be required to be a valid SCA member.
If you have not judged before we are looking at continuing to grow the high calibre of UK Judges that we have in our judging pool and are looking for people with SCA Qualifications, at Intermediate level or above, Q Grader Qualification or are a recognised coffee professional within their day to day work.
Please visit our judge's products collection HERE to check the availability of Judges Certification & Calibration events.
Please visit our judge's products collection HERE to check the availability of Judges Certification & Calibration events.